Mango Punch
Fresh mango is usually in season from about May through September. A fragrant tropical fruit, this punch highlights its sweet Caribbean taste.
Recipe Ingredients:
4 cups fresh mango purée (from about 8 soft, ripe mangoes*; or from canned mango)2 quarts water
1 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup fresh lime juice (2 to 3 limes)
1/2 cup red prickly pear syrup (or grenadine)
Cooking Directions:
- Purée mango in food processor or blender until smooth; strain to remove any pulp. Place mango purée into large pitcher or punch bowl; stir in water, sugar and lime juice.
- To serve, fill drinking glasses with ice cubes and mango juice, then add 1 to 2 teaspoons prickly pear syrup or grenadine to each glass.
Makes 12 servings.
*To slice a fresh mango - Make two lengthwise cuts on either side of where the pit is. The pit is large but fairly flat, so make the cuts no more than 1/2-inch on either side of an imaginary center line. Take the two outside slices and score the flesh with the tip of a knife. Get as close to the skin as you can without breaking it. Hold the scored slice in two hands and gently push up from the skin side, which will pop inside out. The segments of mango will separate and can easily be scooped off the skin with a spoon or table knife.
Recipe provided courtesy of Pork, The Other White Meat.