Seafood Recipes
Quality, kitchen-tested seafood entrees and main dishes.
Baked Haddock with Lime Crust
Recipe courtesy of Seafish, the UK Sea Fish Industry Authority.
Bacon Cod Kabobs
Recipe courtesy of Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute.
Coconut Mahi-Mahi in Thai Curry Sauce
This gluten-free recipe is courtesy of Florida Agriculture Bureau of Seafood and Aquaculture.
Recipes for Seafood by Main Ingredient:
- Barramundi
- Basa
- Calamari/Squid
- Catfish
- Clams
- Cod
- Crab
- Crawfish
- Flounder
- Grouper
- Haddock
- Halibut
- Herring, Sardines & Sprats
- Lobster
- Mackerel
- Mahi-Mahi
- Monkfish
- Mullet
- Mussels
- Orange Roughy
- Pollock
- Pompano
- Prawns
- Salmon
- Scallops
- Sea Bass
- Shrimp
- Snapper
- Sole
- Swordfish
- Tilapia
- Trout
- Tuna
Recipes for Seafood by Cooking Method:
- Baked Seafood
- Deep-Fried Seafood
- Grilled Seafood
- Microwave-Cooked Seafood
- Poached & Steamed Seafood
- Skillet Seafood Dishes
Recipes for Seafood by Type: