Slimy Layered Drinks
These customized drinks will add some fun to the Halloween festivities.
Recipe Ingredients:
Drink Bases:
Ice cream
Milk Shake
Favorite fruit-flavored syrup
Spooky Watching Eyes:
Mini chocolate cake roll(s)
Red cinnamon candies
Green Spiders:
Green gummy candy rings
Green gummy candy rounds
Decorative gel icing
Cooking Directions:
- For Drinks: Choose your base (ice cream, pudding, or a milk shake) and a favorite fruit-flavor syrup. In a clear glass, alternate layers of the base with the fruit syrup. Decorate with Spooky Watching Eyes and/or Green Spiders.
- For Spooky Watching Eyes: Freeze a mini chocolate cake roll, cut into thick slices horizontally, and attach red cinnamon candies with frosting for eyes.
- For Green Spiders: Cut gummy candy rings in half and place along the rim as legs. Place a soft fruit candy in the center for the body and dab on decorative gel icing for the eyes.
Makes ? servings.
Recipe provided by Better Homes and Gardens - BHG.com a member of the Home and Family Network for the best of cooking, gardening, decorating and more. © Meredith Corporation. All Rights Reserved.