Paul Bunyan Burger
This is a genuine whopper—a huge, succulent burger for a crowd. Try this biggie for a tailgate party or on the weekend around the grill. Serve this burger cut into wedges, accompanied with deli salads, to a delighted crowd of eight.
Recipe Ingredients:
2 1/2 pounds lean ground pork
2 teaspoons garlic pepper
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon hot pepper sauce
1 round loaf French or Italian bread, cut in half horizontally
Suggested Condiments:
Thousand Island dressing
Sliced onions
Sliced tomatoes
Sliced pickles or pickle relish
Leaf or Iceberg lettuce
Cooking Directions:
- Prepare medium-hot fire in kettle-style grill.
- In large bowl mix together pork, garlic pepper, salt and hot pepper sauce. Pat mixture into a round that measures about 11 inches, or 1-inch larger than your bread.
- Carefully place giant burger over hot coals--place burger on a flat baking sheet for transferring to the grill--and grill for about 10 minutes per side. Turn the burger over by sliding in onto a baking sheet, using a second baking sheet to help push it on. Sandwich the burger between the two baking sheets, hold them together and invert the patty. Slide the big burger onto the grill, cooked side up.
- When done, slide the burger onto the bottom of the loaf, top desired condiments and the top of loaf and cut into wedges to serve.
Makes 8 servings.
Recipe and photograph provided courtesy of National Pork Board.