Chef Coleman's Holiday Brined Bird
The host of PBS-TV's "Flavors of America", Chef Jim Coleman, shares his recipe for brining a holiday bird.
Recipe Ingredients:
1 (8 to 12 pound) turkey
1 cup kosher salt (per gallon of ice water) approximately 3 gallons
1 lime, cut into wedges
1 orange, cut into wedges
1 medium onion, cut into wedges
5 cloves garlic
4 bay leaves
1 tablespoon dried thyme
1 tablespoon dried sage
1 tablespoon white black pepper
Cooking Directions:
- Place turkey in a cooler then add ice cold water to completely submerge the turkey. Depending on how many gallons, adjust accordingly for salt And if using more than 3 gallons of water, use more lime, orange, onion, garlic, bay leaves, sage, thyme and pepper. Take remaining ingredients and add to brine. Stir until well combined. Top with ice cubes and leave in cool spot overnight. Discard brine after removing the turkey. Rinse turkey before placing in oven.
- Preheat oven to 400°F (205°C). With the breast of the turkey on the rack facing the bottom of the pan (If you don't have a rack, make a wreath with tin foil to hold the turkey properly.), roast for about 45 minutes.
- Reduce oven temperature to 325°F (160°C).
- Remove turkey from oven, turn over and return to oven and continue roasting for about two and a half hours, depending on the weight of the turkey. The meat thermometer should read 180°F (85°C). when inserted in the thickest part of the turkey near the thigh.
Serves 8 to 12 depending on size of bird.
Recipe and photograph provided through ARA Content.